
The 1950s continued the traditions of the past, students joined fraternities, voiced their opinions, and participated in intramurals. However, unlike the co-ed intramurals today they were male-only. A dorm choir was around. Dorm choirs have been since been disbanded and replaced with the chapel choir. Similar to today, students partook in intramural sports such as flag football. The paper was also laden with ads for typewriters and cigarettes. It wasn’t until 1970 that they became illegal in the U.S. Just like today students engaged in politics and social justice.  In 1956, a student was awarded the NAACP Youth Leadership award for his work with social action projects and assistance in the formation of other youth councils across Texas. Increasing campus safety and improving campus life was also a priority for students. A 1959 issue features an article that states that nine ways of improving “community consciousness” were approved by the student council. Sports maintained to be an important aspect of student life. To kick off the start of the basketball season, the Rattler’s hosted a "dribblethon," which has evolved into Rattler Madness.

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