W. F. MILLER. PRC! D. C. G1LLETT, Tampa. 1ST. V-Prcs. J. H. HUMPHRIES, Bradcntown, 2nd. V.-Prcs. L. S. LIGHT, Rcddick. 3RD. V.-Prcs. DR. J. H. ROSS, Florencc Villa, 4th V.-Prcs. Office of the president Valrico, i'la. May 7, 1917 Mrs. F. R. S. Phillips, Convention Secretary, Old Spanish Trail Association, Tallahassee, Florida. Dear Madam:- Your favor of the 24th ult. calling attention to the convention of the Old Spanish Trail Association on the 18th and 19th, anu inviting me to he present at said convention duly received. Replying, beg to state that I am so busily engaged here that it will be impossible to accept the invitation, but I trust you will have a very interesting meeting', and judging from the numbers on your program I am sure that you will have a most profitable meeting. Again regretting the fact that it will be impossible for me to attend this meeting, I beg to remain Yours very truly, WFM jth “The United People of a Progressive State Working Together for the Common Good99 F. M. ALLEN, Orlando, Sec-y DR. L. A. BIZE, Tampa. Treas.