i£>t. Augustine Snsttttute of Science anti 2|fetorical H>octetp g>t. &ugu£itme Jfloriba e Mr.Harral Ayres Old Spanish Trail Managing Director Mexxanine Floor,Gunter Hotel San Antonio, Texas. 1\h Second Street Beach Haven New Jersey August 2yA''l?2o Ay dear Hr.Ayres, Your letter of August Icth.with enclosed article received to-day,and I shell be glad to act as consultant on old history,to the best of ay ability. I do not like to depend on ly memory,as I am liable to make mistakes and from ...ay to November I am liable to be away fro.a St.Augustine and our source material. This is my summer home ’..here I am a lewai resident and shall probably be here until October. I have a number of books and old pamphlets purchased for the Historical Society ,here now,that I expect to ship later and from them I shall ^ive you a few items for your information.After you were in St.Augustine we secured from Spain and elsewhere a number of r-.re books and maps some o? which have data on the subject of your article. We haye had some translations made into Ynjlish by i.r.Fred Acosta,a Spanish scholar,from Garcia's Spanish printing from Manuscript in 1