5 than once in the discussion of the notion or resolution except by consent of the Body* 5, The yeas and nays on any motion shall be called at the request of two members, and any member may call for the reading of any document connected with the question before the Parliament. 6. A majority vote shall decide all questions* 7 .Then any motion is pending, no other motion shall be in order except a motion to adjourn; to lay on the table; to postpone indefinitely ; to postpone to a certain time; to call for the previous question; to commit or reconsider; to amend; and they shall have precedence in the order named- The first, five shall be decided without d eb at e.. » 3 No talking in the audience. Upon motion made and. carried, the above kexhxh£xhx rules were adopted by the Parliament. Resolution committee was appointed as follows by firs. Storm: I.Irs. A. G. Reed, Chairman, Mrs. Byrd Bnochs, Mrs. C. C. Jones (I-irs. J. C. Mrs. Roydan Douglas. Myrick was afterward named as substitute) Miss G-a.brielle Thompson suggested the appointment of a committee on "business dispatch", but Mrs. Storm announced that this would be a committee as a whole - Mrs. J. G. kyrick presented a beautiful paper on Highway Beautification representing the Rio Grande Valley, and at its close moved the adoption of the following resolutions: "That the best traditions of Southern hospitality be embodied in the Beautification plans of the Federated Clubs for the Old Spanish Trail.. "That a uniform sign be adopted for use in those sections of the Trail where federated Clubs are working for beautification" Hiss Florence Huberwald of New Orleans opened the discussion by asking if this meant temporary signs, -ns. P. J. Friedrichs stated that it would be a universal sign virtually agreed upon by the Parliament . Mrs. George Sealey of Galvest/on exhibited a design of a Mission Bell with the names of the cities, San miego, los Angeles, and San Francisco, and suggested that each state may adopt its own sign.— this mission bell was used as fin illustration and to of fer a s iggestion as a sign to be used*. *