Where Famous Highways Meet NORTH-AND-SOUTH NATIONAL BEE LINE HIGHWAY OLD SPANISH TRAIL HIGHWAY TALLAHASSEE “i “The Hill City of Florida” r DIXIE HIGHWAY BOARD OF DIRECTORS: DR. C. M. AU8UEY. President J. W. COLLINS, 1st Vice-Pr bbidbnt DR. W. U. MOOR. 2nd Vice.Pree.oent R. O. COLLINS, 3rd Vice-Pr eoiobnt W. C. WILLIAMS, Treasurer B. H. BEVERLY DR. EDW. CONRADI W. H. MARKHAM A. WAHNISH F. R. S. PHILLIPS, Secretary Cfje ^allafja^ee Club FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA November 29,1918* TALLAHASSEE Capital of Florida. On the Dixie Highway and the Old Spanish Trail, and Is the Terminus of the North and South National Bee Line Highway. Most beautiful Inland city In the State. Clean, progressive, moral. No saloons. Hard clay roads. Abundant supply of pure water. _ A Mild Winters. Heat of Summer tempered by breezes from the Gulf and frequent showers. Nights generally cool. Average annual temperature 00.8. Low rents. Strong Banks and up-to date mercantile establishments. Electric lights, gas, telephone and telegraph connections. Splendid educational facilities—Florida State College for Women, fine Grammar and High schools, private schools. Churches of leading denominations. Grain Elevator. Food Mill, and Cash Market for Produce and Livestock; permanent market for Milk; two refrigerator cars In dally service to Jacksonville. Excellent, hunting and fishing nearby. Golf course most picturesque In the South. INVITATION Come to “The Hill City of Florida”—You will be charmed with the scenery and climate. LEON COUNTY Most beautiful county In Florida; finest section for dairy farms and livestock. ill-year growing season. Forty acres Is a large enough farm with Intelligent cultivation. Land steadily advancing in price. Unexcelled for stock and diversified crops. Most desirable part of Florida In which to establish a home. For further Information address Secretary, TALLAHASSEE BOOSTERS’ CLUB. -[•resident falffier Fillers, Old Spanish ^ra il Association, Mobile, Ala. My dear . Villa ns: I received your wire, and thank you for it. But i tried to assure you in my letter that I did not intend, to endorse Mr. 7iilis.ms or take any risk; personally , in such important matters. I am sorry you felt disturbed about the matter: there was no way I could get definite inform a ion, except by wiring to several persons, and I did not feel that it v/as a necessary expense, under the circumstances* 1 will do all 1 con to keen up publicity for the brail and the ^sedation, but v/ili be careful to do only v.'nnt would be likely to meet v.itb your approval* If there is any chance to jo to Cpicaco, will go so, but can not say at th ie time* v.'ith kindest regards and best v/i shes, I am, Very truly. Copy to Mr. leSlanc* NO TOUR OF FLORIDA IS COMPLETE UNLESS YOU SEE TIIE CAPITAL CITY