3 use them without any charge for le Interest they will be to tourist Jaclers. This publicity will be con-:ntrated on points of the south-'stern United States in an effort to ivert traffic from the Atlantic seacard through Beaumont, instead of ttlng It go through north Texas. Methodist Clergyman Succumbs By The Associulcd Tress CHAItLOTT 10, N. C., Aug: 11.— Bishop John C. .Kilgo of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, died at his home here early today after an extended illness which cainc upon him last spring while he was returning from the Southern Methodist general conference at Hot Springs, Ark. I The veteran Methodist leader who | was elected u bishop at Asheville jin 1910, was placed oil the retired i list at the 1-Iot Springs conference because of his age and failing health. Bishop John Carlisle Kilgo was born In .Laurens, S. C., July 21*. lSGt. He was married to Fannie Turner of Gaffney. S. C. In 1S82 he was ordained a minister In the Methodist Episcopal church, south and served various pastorates until ISS9 when he was called to Wofford college as professor of philosophy and financial agent. In 1S9-1 he was elected president of Trinity college. Durham, N. C., where ho served un • til 1910 when he was elected blshoo of the Methodist church at the conference In Asheville. X. C. LOCAL SOCIETY (Continued From Page Five.) son, Conway Broun, Dr. Justin Platt, Gerald llogan, Rodney Naylor, Jack Johns, Conn Clark, Dr. Will Williams, Mary Hutchison. Harvey Norvell, Babe Frasher, Scott Myers, Howard Gardner, 01 in Linn