DISBURSEMENT SHEET 170. 19 OLE SPANISH TRAIL EXECUTIVE C9MHITTE3/ MEETING Prom A pi*. 1 to Apr. 30 0 1924. Following accounts ordered paid: Check Dr Or Mies Stella Murray Robert. 35. Hatch M Lewison Model Electrotype Co Mrs. Ida Brosch H B Ayres Stanley Hale Gunter Hotel Miss R. Lucchese Mrs. Mary Tate Stanley Hale Mrs. Ida Brosch S.W. Bell Telephone Co. The Vestern Union Teleg. Petty Cash Stamps H P Ayres Mrs. Ida Brosch H B Ayres Cash for stamps Sal. in full 1335(1) Campaign work 1336(1) Camera 1337(1) 4/1/24 stmt 1338(1) Bal Jan Salary 1339(1) Acct. Salary 1340(l) Campaign work 1341(1) On acct. 3/31 stmt.Camp 1342(1) Campaign Typing 1343(l) Transportation ----------- Acct. .'ob. Sal. --------- 4/l/24 stmt ------- Mar. 1924 stmt -----—- Campaign Expense --------- Office use ------- Car Expense 1344(1) On acct. Bob.Sal. 44(3) On acct. Salary 45(3) Genl. office use 41(5) 37 00 65 00 17 50 5 59 50 00 50 00 25 00 300 00 5 50 10 00 95 00 25 00 7 50 3 12 4 38 2 00 10 09 50 00 50 00 4 20 Total Disbursements, this statement Cash Receipts since former statement Total Receipts & Disbursements B~18 0 816 88 ft 731 00 2437 95 3291 20 Total this date, April 30,1924 $3168 95 53108 08 Bank Balances: San Antonio (1) Mobile (2) Lake Charles (3) Crowley (5) Pass Christ!an(6) 338 69 5 40 12 17 4 61 __ 60 87 $3168 95 33168 95 Approved and a ithorination entered in the Minutes