GUNTER HOTEL, November 8, 1933. Hutchcraft Studio, 404^- Houston Street, Maverick Euilding, Sar; Antonio, Texas. Rear Mr. Hutchcraft: Your proposition for making photographs of the San Jose Sacristy Window drawing, using the negative made by Cones Studio (which. I own) and now in your possession, is hereby accepted. The photographs to be equal to or better than the samples submitted by you and hereby signed by you. The prices to be as follows: Deliveries to be in lots of ten. You to make up one assorted lot of ten and deliver on consignment; these to remain your property until paid for, as above. Subsequent orders may be in mixed lots but mixed lots to be avoided if possible. You to have at least three days from time of order in which to maEe delivery. You are to make one large tapestry photo for the artist, John A. Griffith, who will call for it. Kiss Virginia Edgecombe, Tourist Director of the 8.A.Automobil League (AAA) Gunter Hotel (phone E 8125) will act for me in these transactions, as my secretary and as sales agent. In my absence from the city she and Mr. Griffith will be authorized to amend these arrangements in any way that improves the commercial sales values without impairing the artistic values. On the descriptive matter to be issued this line will be included: "She photograph copies are made by Hutchcraft Studios." If any sales are made at the studio they shall be at the prevailing price, your cost as above to be retained and the remainder remitted to Miss Edgecombe as my agent. 11x14 Veltex, embossed,..............40£ ea. 11x14 Tapestry, " ea. 7x11 Veltex, embossed,...............20& ea. 7x11 Tapestry, " 30^ ea. Accepted and agreed to The photograph negative is the property of/flarraJ/iW. Very truly, H«nral Ayres