St. Augustin©, Florida, April 4, 192? The Old Spanish Trail Association was duly eallod to order in national convention at St. Augustin® April 4, 1929. The Managing Director, Harral Ayrss, presided. Mrs. Ida Broach acted aa secretary. The session was brief due to the constant celebration ©vents, social affairs and entertainments. The financial report was submitted through Perry L. King & Company, auditors employed by the auditing committee. This report was subsequently brought dean to June 1st as shown herein. The managing director reported in a general nay on the work achieved and stated that neither he nor the Executive Beard had aiy special recommendations for they felt the work they had undertaken was concluded with this celebration and that they would submit to all interested a printed report and copy of the audit as soon as it could be made ready. Mr. Ayres thanked everyone for the support given him the past 10 years and asked that he be not considered for rselection as he earnestly desired to retire from the work, A general discussion followed confined to methods for continuing the work and the services of Mr. Ayres. A motion was unanimously passed that Mr. Ayres continue as managing director to which Mr. Ayres responded it was his wish , and also a matter of necessity, to return to private business. Numerous motions were passed relating to resolutions and votes of appreciation. Then a committee was authorised to prepare such resolutions, give same to the newspapapers, send copies to the persons involved, and to include them in these minuteso The resolutions follow as signed by the committee. Discussion on policies for the future work led to the decision to adjourn the meeting, to a time and place to be so looted later so that more tims would be allowed the people to acquaint themselves with theneeds of the work. The man aging director was authorized to arrange with some city to accept the responsibility and get together a representative convention. Invitations to run a motorcade to California were earnestly offered by the Californians, the invitations being stated in the names of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce, the Automobile Club of Southern California, the San Diego, California Club, the city and the county officials of San Diego, and several civic clubs. These invitations were warmly approved and the managing director authorized to arrange for the return motorcade. Sto Augustine citizens and cars being announced as waiting the convention adjourned. There being no election of officers the old officers continue until their successors are elected and qualify. The following included as part of these minutes: Executive Beard Report Auditors' Report Ida Resolutions Asst. Secty. OST Association. St. Augustine Souvenir Program