"An All-American Highway would bring the people of Central and South America into more d:rect business relationships with those of the United States and create a better understanding among these nations.” '•Wo ought to lend our encouragement in any way wc can for more good roads to all the principal points in this hemisphere south of the Rio Grande "—President Coolidge. "I want to see 100.000 American cars crossing the line into Mexico to enable the American people to see and meet my people that a better and friendlier understanding may obtain between the two nations ”—President C-alles le sense of the Senate that the President ___________ with Mexico or any other republic or Central or South America for the purpose of concluding treaties or conventions providing for (1) the establishment of air mail service with the United States and (2) the construction of an international highway connecting the United States with such country "—Senate Joint Resolution by Senator Oddie. Also see H R 7344' and H R 447. "Such a highway (Pan-American 1 will have a profound influence on international relations, increasing amity and promoting lasting friendships and w;ll augment trade and transportation facilities fully 100 per cent in any of the countries during the first year o' operation.” ”A through highway from Canada to Argentine can be opened for traffic within 9 to 10 years "—U. S. Senate Report No. 1498 to S 5031 69th Congress. "When this (Pan-American) highway is completed. Wichita • will be one of the important cities on the 15.000-mile road. This -part of-the United States ia the logical-place for-a- north-and-- south highway. And the Meridian Highway, which is already one of the best of the cross-country roads, is the logical avenue * for »he greater project.”—"A Grandicose .Dream,” Wichita Beacon. "The goal of a highway from Winnipeg to' far off Buenos Aires may seem unattainable now. but the time will come without a doubt when the Yankton Motorist may take his vacation jaunt down across the equator and on an improved road all the way.” fflj ' ' ' "This is such a big one (dream) that it takes your breath awav for a time. But it is practical. And what is more it is inevitable.—Yankton Press and Dakotan. "Another thing such a highway (Pan-American) will do:. It will transform Newton, near the gcoeraphical center of the United Staten, Newton Kansan. ”I{ each country will build one north and south road across its domain—and no country can afford to do Icsb—and same meet at a common poin« at international bonndry line what is now a dream will he a fact, Thoustnds of miles of the proposed road south of the Rio Grande is now h»ing used by half a million automobiles "—John C-Nicholson. President of Internationa] Meridian Highwuy Association. Newton, Kansas. car* HORN DISTANCES Winnipeg to Laredo ......... (100% All-Weather Road) Laredo to Mexico City...'.... Mexico City to Guatemala Guatemala to San Salvador.. San Salvador to Managua . Managua to Panama Canal . Panama Canal to Guayaquil. Guayaquil to Lima......:... Lima to Antofagasta........ Antofagasta to Valparaiso.. Valpariso to Buenos Aires.. Total_____...______14,700 PAN-AMERICAN HIGHWAY—MERIDIAN—U. S. 81