3p« fho Pass a Originally HI Paso del ITor to 2he Pass of the Dorth. Sp. Originally La Ilosilla, a small table (or tabloland) Sp, 2ho orogees. Sp* Inclormre for oattlo. nrizong. San Bernardino Valley, 3p. San Pedro Hirer, 3n. 2ueeon, Santa Cruz Valley, 3p» Santa Catalina J-Its. Mesa, 3p« Gila Hivor, Turns, Sp.Indo Colorado River,Ariz-Gal.lino, Op. St. Bernardino. St. Peter. o Holy Croce, ■to Catharine (Santa,ferainino fora) a plateau. I'he "gila" is a deadly reptile ,found in the rocky deserts of Arizona « IT .Li. 3p. form Indian tribe name. He do California III Centro, HI Cajon, San Diego, 3p. fi.’O esntor. Sp. shed for soiling provisions. Pro- nounced on-hoon. Sp. 3t. James. Othor form, Santiago. Host rivers and numeroun geographical divisions in the Southwest oarry Spanish names or oorruptiona of the Spanish. Old streets and l eal names aro Spanish at St. Augustine, Pcnsaool.% S