o They did not land immediately because llenendez did not know where the French were, so they sailed back ana lorth along the coast looking i'or the French settlement,xor four uays." This is tne only early account that has not be^n tra.nslated and printed. It was published first in Spanish in 1902 by Garcia in Mexico. Mr Acosta is a Spanish eeholar and has studier the old Spanish .Barrientos was printed just as it was written in 1568 so is diificult to read. It is necessary to correct the English and spelling in some places,ana double space it so we can print it. 1 asked Hr.Acosta to stick to tils text as closljjss possible. I like the translation ,as it has a Spanish flavor and sounds like the old cronicles and a modern newspaper. I was interested in reading tiie accuunt ol your trip irorn the west to St.Augustine over the O.S.T. it must be a wonderiul road. If I can assist you in any way I shall be jlau to do so.