• C. S’/Z/o/wef/ ■ /U'j/f'M April 1, 1924. Mrs. J. T. Smith, Chairman, Committee on Advertising, The Old Spanish Trail Association, 114 Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, Tex. Dear Madam: I am in receipt of your letter of March 25th request- ing certain informatioh as to the laws of Massachusetts governing the regulation of billboards and other outdoor advertising. The laws of this Commonwealth on the subject are contained in General Laws, chapter 93, sections 29 to 33, inclusive. These provide,, in substance, that the Division of Highv/ays of the Department of Public Works shall make regulations for the proper control and restriction of billboards and other advertising devices , with certain specified exceptions, and that, subject to • the approval of the Division, towns may further regulate and restrict billboards within their respective limits by ordinance or by-lav/. tions promulgated by the Department of Public Works pursuant to the above statute. I enclose you a copy of the most recent rules and .regula- I trust this will supply you with the information which you desire. Yours very truly, Attorney General