and weald be an incentive to the women to work in the be nut if lout ion of the Highway. Hr. Thompson of Gulfport was asked to speak on membership in the Old Spanish Trail and ‘solicited members at *10. per year. A resolution was introduced and adopted tnat Ciab women protest against poster advertising that disfigure trees and buildings and ^ that a special committee be appointed to cake up this work. It was also decided to investigate the stock laws along the trail Ars. Storm paid a beautiful tribute to the late nr. A. L. Alexander, t Conservation Agent and a committee was appointed to write suitable resolutions on his death which occured on the eve of the Spanish Trail convention. Aiss Caroline C. Dormon of Shreveport, La. gave a most interesting lecture on Highway Advertising showing the pictures to illustrate ^ the great contrast of a beautiful highway and that marred by the unsightly advertising signs on trees, fences and along the route. Ars. Jesse P. 'Likinson submitted a final report of registration committee. meeting then adjourned to attend a reception and tea at the Patio . Royal in the French quarter with -rs. Charles Luck as Chairmen. ‘r^-A C St