-5- ection 9. fhoSG fulo made and ado'i3 Charter 93 of t f*. •. id . -y. ~ : 0"' M » :• ‘ :r !:•: • '3 ) :l v i a i 0 r u r. da r t .h.o .fulos ? nd Regulations p: *ovj *i on a-L J. on 00 Ge 1 sral . iawo, ot r-'v be in effect Ji nu ■ 24, 1924. in said (city or town) at least one week before the date of such hearing. . A written statement as to the results thereof shall be forwarded to the Division, containing, in tho event of a disapproval of such application, the reasons therefor, within thirty days from the date of notice tc the (city or town) that an application for such a Demit had been -made. She provisions of (a), (c) , (&) , (o) , (f) nud- (;;} shall not apply to districts which tho (llayor and Aldermen or Selectmen) nay determine are of a business character. (This limitation may be omitted from Ordinances or By-Laws, if desired.) This (Ordinance or By-Law) shall not apply to signs or other devices which advertise or indicate wither the person occupying tho premises in question or the business transacted thereon, or advertise the property itself or any part thereof as for sale or to let; and provided further that this ( )rdixiance of By-law) shall not apply to billboards, signs or other advertising lovices le ally maintained, at the time of its approval by the Attorney-': aieral, until one year from the first day of •July foil;*, win;; such a pur or I. Whoever violates any of the provision > ' the ( )rdinauco or By-Law) shall be punished by fne of not more than one hundred (100) dollars, and whoever, after conviction for nuch violation, unlawfully maintains such billboard, si ;n or omer outdoor advertising device for twenty (20) days thereafter shall to nnP:'uv by r .:f no of not more them five hun3 red (500) n c11 • • r, If ;*ny evo v5 cion thir ( IHriurnoe c • ,.-;.r-L;r.v) ir decl; '5od unconstitutional or . ■ 3 it, >r decree of the 3upremen fv’l oia'L ; ourl; of th°. • •').v^onnou'Lth, the validity of the remaining provisions of this (Or in a • or Jy-Law) shall ot >o ff . 1 thereby.