l\»A' 'X* ctophen Austin's cap o.f Texas, lOd'J, on Tile in the trchivos of tne University of Texas, shows the old dan Antonio road passing through tne following pluses: Presidio del hio Grende 3exur k aj'fwwssu. .-k ■ L J.< * .• <> 'd ! S" !• w ■ CLu. C i t 1 1 tr~ Vu> I. |C(V1 {1L, ■),, ;j j -fers --V.- . t " ’ -i . ' 1 • ' CUvit. c turns archives pusses Autchitoohas Olu dun Antonio noad according to dtepnen p. Austin's map of Texas, loco; on file in dtute Library* Presidio del nio Grande Bexar Aaoogdoches ijatchitochas prench raup of Texas, made o„ jo.. Library, shows the d. n. hoad u Brue in 1840. on file in dtute i follows- Presidio uel hio Grande dan Antonio do Bexar tiina or Bastrop nnoo. d. Teodoro nacogdoches dan nugustino ilatohitoches xktlas of Myer's Travels, mao mule by hauptm. hadefeld, 1850(y). dun niitonio Load as follows: Presidio iej nio Grande Bexar Bastrop nooin's Perry (on Trinity) Crocket Lugglass nacogdoches dun nugustine Ail am nutchi todies • natchez. / >