INGRAM. Jet. of two branches of the river. Cabin camp on OST east . STATE FISH IIATCIIERY. East of Jit. Homo, 2 mi. Large black bass hatchery; built by the State, the Ivorr-ville and Junction people aiding. The numberless spring-water streams of the I-Iill Country are kept stocked with game fish. Visitors welcome. You should not hurry thru this Hill Country. MOUNTAIN HOME. Last settlement before crossing the divide. Nice free camp by mountain springs. Store and garage, careful service. Inf.—N. B. Estes. LLANO RIVER. Junction city is at the junction of the two llano rivers. FUNCTION. Heart of the Hill Country. 000 mi. of spring-fed streams in Kimble county shaded with cypress pecan and other tree groves. Wild, rugged sheep and goat country. Wild pecan nut market. South 20 mi. the Seven-Hundred Springs. North at Menard old Spanish mission works dating from 1707. HOTELS—FRITZ. A.F., modern, fireproof, every convenience. IIODGES and BECKER hotels, rms. and meals JUNCTION HOTEL, rms. only. CAJIPS—GRANDE COURTS, tourist Apmts. completely furnished, ultra-comfortable and picturesque. PRICE’S CAMP and JIcWRIGIIT'S CAJIP, complete conveniences. V BAR H RANCH, 9 mi. up river; delightful recreation camp open all year; saddle horses, Shetland ponies and donkeys for children. Fine meals at club house. INF.—Chamber of Commerce. LOEFFLER MOTOR CO., Ford dealer, good garage and equipment. V AHL BROTHERS & SCHRAUB. service station. JUNCTION HARDWARE CO. Tourist supplies and information. LLANO RIVER, north branch, east and west of Roosevelt. iu.i,ni£T?™Till,emrlTS,r, is forded many times; concreted low "J;e '’I111- rhe fiver is spring-fed. sparkling, shaded nu ff b', These are the only river fords remaining on the ee?r SHnTJia *■ wate,r appears deep, change to second and go thru slowly and steadily; tills avoids splashing b«nt"alo°Sgathe"ifdUBT CaSy Cr°SSing- T1‘° ncw road ls t0 be ROOSEVELT. On North Llano River; boating, bathing, hunting, fishing; a vactiou camp center. CAMP WAGNER, oil OST, space 25c, tent cabins 75c, lurmshed bungalow cabins Sl.00-S2.00; elec, lights; good accommodations for money. GENERAL STORE, VV. O. Dickerson, P. O., telephone exchange; icc, .fresh produce. labo”6™LT GARAGE' aU "ight service, road service, countcrS C‘iFE’ S°°d country style; short order lunch ALLISON, 7 mi. west of Roosevelt, in pecan Hd;,,,r.°i> sprnig water, swimming, fishing, hunting, g, 1.0. and phone; grocery, service station; nice place. rlif 2*A „Thcse West Texas towns are essentially outlying are the fine cattle, goat and slieop are ,”s are seI(,om seen but nestled in the hills trv ellmn? !10mes with many comforts. Tim Hill Coun-' nn! S dr>’ lnvlB°rating; elevations 2.000 to 2,500 ft. good iripnK MeDONALD, 44 rms., modern conveniences, 5 !„!?' Camp space abundant in West Texas. siiace^Fnrd a?T0K ,C0“ s- R- Hun, 17,500 sq. ft. floor ’ d dealer; large stock of tires, modern repair equipment, garage, gas, oil, tow car, all night service; Pin 135; labor $1.25. S'JLTTES JIOTOlt CO., garage and service; Chevrolet dealers, parts, tires, repairs, labor $1.25; Lone Star road service; Ph, 77. 5:30 A.M. to 10 P.M. VAN DEIt STUCKEN’S STORE, all sorts of west country mdse. CITY GARAGE, C. S. Keene, well equipped, good mechanics, all night service. *OZONA. High rock-bound hills and plateaus; sheep, goats and cattle. Oil north and west. Live Oak Hill with its alpine road 25 mi. west; Live Oak Creek, good spring water and a nice camp site, 34 mi. west. Ruins of old Fort Lancaster visible to the south from the OST along Live Oak Creek; entrance at gate just east of Live Oak Creek crossing. This was one of the army posts that guarded the frontier from San Antonio to San Diego. Ozona is another mid-west community with schools and civic improvements that reflect credit on the citizenship. HOTEL OZONA, modern, fireproof, steam heat, hot and cold water, private baths, elec, fans, cafe, dining rm. $2.00 to $4.00. Open all night. A fine hotel. CAMP OZONA, on OST. Space 25c. Bungalow cabins with bed, mattress, springs, oil stove, elect. light, $1.2d. INF.—Scott Peters, Ozona National Bank. GRIJIJIER JIOTOR CO., garage and service; Ford dealers, parts; gen. repairs at flat rate; tires, storage. Ph. 39 for tow car day or night. WILSON MOTOR CO., Lee Wilson, Buick dealers; parts, tires, repairs on all cars, flat rate; storage, oil, gas, tow car. Ph. 54. PECOS RIVER. Rises in New Mexico. SHEFFIELD. The famed country “West of the Pecos" is entered now, a land strange and interesting and filled with history reaching back to Spanish and pioneer days. The arid country of the west is at hand. Waters underlie (lie land and where springs gush forth they are oases of life. Old Fort Lancaster on Live Oak Creek was the last good water until Tunas Creek was reached 47.5 mi. west of Sheffield and 55 mi. from Fort Lancaster. West of the creek crossing 3.5 mi. are the Tunas Springs under the rock hill the highway crosses. By the cliff is the old stone corral of the San Antonio-San Diego stagecoach days. In the mesquite. slightly visible, are the remains of the old stone coach station. The next water is at the great Comanche Springs, now Ft. Stockton. On the fast driving Old Spanish Trail of today these “water holes” are minor matters but men fought for and around them thru the past ages. North of Sheffield gusher oil wells are flowing. At Sheffield, a small country hotel, good meals. Also a good restaurant. Good drinking water. Hale’s Garage is good for so small a settlement; Hale is a good mechanic. Has a good free camp. *FT. STOCKTON. “The Spring City of Texas." is countrv made fertile by irrigation from the Comanche Springs with an average flow of <’*40.000,000 gals, daily. Comanche Springs, now in the center of Ft. Stockton, irrigate G.200 acres of alfalfa, oats, barley, wheat, fruits and vegetables. About 20,000 tons of alfalfa are shipped annually. West 7 mi. are Loon Springs with 3,000 acres under cultivation and Leon Lake covering 700 acres and with excellent fishing. In 16S4 a company of Spaniards, priests and Indians * -1 -1. r. I, s Geological Sarvev lias numerous measuremeuts of lie big WcstTova/spriugs" OST figures are from these records. 30 31