Sxtraet frc minutes meeting Board of Dir sotors, ulfpori Con mtion Januar; 29, 1-921 She Managing Director e plained hfi had i ' had ah; salar.j authorised disclosed a unanimous senti ent that prop r v rovis n h ult! he made for conservation ev.d. a resolution v.-as adcp tel: "That the B ard of Dir >d >r *ec lend th...........aging Director he paid a salarj to ds t from the 1 sginning of " irork, ' .. x 1, 1919, the amount to ho loft to tho . res id. with hi ' 'u. in_ -nd roportii as to tho senti ants of the Denri." Certified copies of all minutes no . v to all Dirocors and o; them accepts cl . sic pi; heoauss the .issoeiation h.M not ; ■ lie also e.rnl.ained he could net affer-' to on hi continue to give 'h'i? first tl nights tc tl : ’ to p...; a s-.Iar;-. aim raj altho he would 1 d3 sous: ion MBA Mrs. Riegler afterward said President from the Directors v..f> liegl ■ f b sri rar 3 ss i .1 t o * r. *.;res that the message to the hat '"AO month o. Id he agreoalia. • . ; ...a- h VK V hr i