The Olid Spanish Trail Association Convention AT TALLAHASSEE, MAY 18-19. 191T TALLAHASSEEr “THE HILL CITY OF FLORIDA” TALLAHASSEE Capital of Florida. Most beautiful inland city In tbe State. Clean, progressive, moral. No saloons. Hard clay roads. Abundant supply of pure water. Mild Winters. Hent of Summer tempered by breezes from the Gu and frequent shower Nights generally cool. Average annual temper ture GG.8. Low rents. Strong Banks and up-to date mercantile estab llshmcnts. Electric lights, gas, tele phone and telegrap connections. Splendid educational facl Itics—Florida State Co lege for Women, fin Grammar and Hig schools, private schools Churches of leading de nominations. Excellent hunting and fish ing nearby. Golf course most plctur esque In the South. * INVITATION Come to "The Hill City of Florida"—You will be charmed with the scenery and climate. A cordial welcome awaits you. LEON COUNTY Most beautiful county In Florida. All-year growing season. Forty acres is a large enough farm with Intelligent cultivation. Land steadily advancing In price. Unexcelled for stock and diversified crops. Most desirable part of Florida In which to establish a home. For further Information address Secretary, TALLAHASSEE BOOSTERS’ CLUB. QDaUafjassee poofters’ Club I have been swamped with the Chautauqua work,so that to keen up the ■Lrail part of the work I have worked long hours, ranging from 4 A.M. to 12:30 midnight, etc. So that 1 have not had time to write detail letters, but you knew that i was working for the good of the OST. Forgive my silence- I have not failed you in anything 1 could put over. Invitations '■Vest have all gone out,except &ew Orleans still gives me no list. But rent Delegate cards to all on yo ur Bulletin li-t,to appoint, delegatesfseveral cards to each Wilson and Houston con not come: Ileller may or may not. Had wire from Mayor Dowry last night. He is in h0us ton. Wired they had big meeting with notary Club and everything all right. Thank you for all you have done. Ho word about the photographs of scout car at Mobile . Will hope to have a breathing spell to write you Sunday. Get into the bulletin ,ncEt week, please .about railroad rates from all points .Mobile to iallahassee and intermediate points. I am still working with L. & H. for rates from Hew urleans and h0uston. Sent Aisey GPA.Ioui sv ille ,long list of addresses to which invitations have be en sent and he will have them personally solicited to come here. Best regards* Excuse haste. Please post Pres. Pilljansv. - ■ ■ NO TOUR OK FLORIDA IS COMPLETE UNLESS YOU SEE THE CAPITAL CITY G. I. 8. WATT. Ph ksidknt DR. EDW. CONRADI, Vick-Prebiok GEO. W. SAXON, Vick.President IRVIN GATES. Vice-President A. BERNARD BYRD. Treasurer F. R. S. PHILLIPS, Secretary