■v.yl’ rt * kwb g. Hi(,o •'•tt<35it«t3sio vjJj'.uff; w?> cjauiil roach oat unft touch Uk tulldln -a frt»"i our car crate. « fleet; of :jnra ImdL eroms£ thle it- nwrkfthle reaction bogtn to show at Ilobil« «> S' tr^ '.v^-a ’../ f t' The throe days •cloteRtloB and todi»tio» enrosaonSes oniiuoi v:nii bo dcscrl co&S ^ They ryerr: la their auoient typo und character, colorful, splendid and uxincrotolc« 'u<‘:/ s-r strayed .dr lending of i’onco a« heon in costume; they had replice of Hie ship; the priests of Florida reoiuictcd th, religiette ecrc^onios* ’v’htsn: reennoted ■hr- sottlcaout of ht. august inn "by Xmodeu. They had Sj^iniurda, privates, Xrriianrs r.irl all nunnor of participants portrayed in eoattuse. They reensotod ft, variovcj c’^agoa of flt-gs, dom to the present day* c very toontIfni ceremony* finallyp they pirc -n o fireworks btaabur&nou?; ox old fort San Stereo tte ft Yf.onr-.cS'.od tho yap&uvo of -it.,, .••Ujr.-jstino by P^lothorpo and the English fawn dcorric* Shat display wca generally aitftnuiterlaeA as a very ro~ workable picture, Tha niftfct ws auric and the gloony old fortress with-stunftinr tho bombarfinant of tfio fireworks «&« a thrillia; picture, nt one point uhoy flashed in th,: firctrarka '.Hiti'ZL: 'W2.lt At this the immense throng buret into « salvo of applause. .‘here s a ni^ht water carnival by the fleet of fishing bouts and private ysohtu. There wire so way intermediate functions the party fecut busv tvt/im to poo and enjoy so umoh. Shore uaa a bannuet to the motorcade people nt the *la»a»r Hotel; this v.t*.c our lust function to* get her «n& wr. vaade tho most of it. n arriving at at* sui'ust-ino a Icoy vras given to each awabar of our party and that key opened the at. «uguutinn doors und h-art« to our people, Shore vrsc no ohn*K» go «b for anything. She? hotel rate, croudod though tho city ues, *• $2,00 each. «ho aero wnraMOt atwtfls on a little trlciiglo per it feiid sooo {«lw. Tho nonumenfc 1e « ylobe 0 ft. in director of oo^ulau. rock, mtivo ox Florida. Tho caromony teS all tho uoci&io nutumlly inoidont to a function whore n representative o.; the. King of 3^iin nd 'l«l apuni J Srnil offioinlu worn resent, mu! also thin delegation of people that had traveled no aaay thonuandfi of nilee tsti n»«y of whoa h-d orosaou the oontin?;nt frora Oulifomifio i, * » *