Wednesday Afternoon Wednesday Morning ROAD CONGRESS—10:00 A. M. At......................... Wilson T. Peterman, Pres., Louisiana Highway Commission Presiding. (If he will). Roll Call on Work in Progress, Plans and Problems. Led by the Managing Director. Opened by tbo leaders selected at the Divisional Meetings. This session to cover not only reports on construction progress and problems, but to be open to highway commissioners, engineers and workers for discussion on questions of state and national legislation and highway policy for this southern territory, and to embrace not only OST territory, but its feeders from the north. An additional objective is a sounder understanding of the problems of the highway commissions and organized effort to assist in their solution. Action will also be sought for the passage of laws empowering Highway Commissions to control the naming and sanction the marking of federal and state aid highways; and to control promotion and soliciting schemes along such highways; and also to eliminate and prohibit advertising on the rights of way, and if possible on the laud adjacent to such highways. Action will also be sought looking to cooperation by map publishers to stop applying numerous names to single highways, and to stop the practice of mapping and publishing highway promotions that have no real existence in many of the sections mapped in behalf of the promoters. Reports will be submitted showing the practices of the “Road Runners” and the blight they cast upon legitimate highway development; of their money-gathering schemes: of the highways that are burdened with five to ten names and the medley of markings that result; of the promises that arc made to communities that cannot be fulfilled, etc., etc. Report, Committee on Legislation. Report, Committee on Resolutions. Announcements. Adjournment. ADMINISTRATION WORK—2:30 P. M. At....................... Mr..................... Presiding Action on the adoption of the map of the OST system as now planned and recommended. The policy of the management has been to plan for the intelligent development of OST territory and to open the fields of ancient Spanish effort lo the traveler who follows Old Spanish Trail guidance. The History Booklet gives the historical background. 1. Florida—Action on agreement with the Dixie Highway Association and Florida leaders for the OST to waive claims to routes to South Florida and for the Dixie Highway to waive its claims to the OST trunkline from Tallahassee to .Jacksonville, and to establish, for historical consistency, the OST terminals at St. Augustine and at Tampa. Presented by Fred W. Marsh, OST Vice-President, Florida. 2. California—What shall be the official terminal in California? 3. Texas Borderland and Mexico —Action on the South Texas military extensions and Mexico connections; Divisions IN and N, added since last convention. Presented by W. II. Perkins, OST Vice-President, South Texas. 4. Arizona — Action on Tombstonc-Nugalcs-Tucson loop. Presented by A. H. Gardner, OST Vice-President, Arizona. Historical reasons shown in History Booklet, Division VIII. tfflffiifflMiiifflMffliiSfiiS 5. New Mexico—Action on proposal to include the Rio Grande Valley, El Paso to Santa Fe. Historical reasons shown in History Booklet, Division VII. Presented by..............., El Paso. 0. Action on OST map as a whole. 7. Action on proposal that dinner celebrations shall be held annually along the OST to celebrate the birth of the project and to foster activities in its interest. Organized at Mobile, Dc.cmbcr 10-11, 1915. Presented by.................... S. Question: Shall publicity and other service be extended to localities or states that do not, or will not give membership support ? 9. Question: Shall a national publicity cam- paign be inaugurated to draw tourist travel to the OST ? The answer depends upon improvement of conditions in many localities. Division leaders will be asked lo report. Reports of Committees: On Constitutional Amendments. On Budget Plan for Income and Expense. On Nominations and Election. On Place of Next Convention. From Gulf Boulevard Conference. From the Women’s Parliament. --— From the Road Congress. Other Business. Announcements. Adjournment of the Convention and meeting o! the new Board of Directors. vvevmvHmmin Wednesday Night i&{fi§ BANQUET OF EMPIRE BUILDERS (As planned by the Banquet Committee) Address: Highways and Their Contribution r California Progress. By U. 8. Senator .Johnson o California (if lie will). Note: In many localities all across the eontiner bands of red-blooded men and women have stiue gled for years and today roads and bridges arc con quering terrific situations. These are Empir Builders and this banquet should afford opporiun ity to give some meed of praise to the men am women who are weaving these thousands of mile of primitive roads into an internationally reeo; nized system of trunkline highways. RULES SUGGESTED FOR THE CONVENTION All resolutions must be submitted in writing lo reference lo appropriate committees before debat and action. Resolutions of importance should he submittw to the Convention Committee by March 10th for in elusion in a Convention Manual it is hoped can b printed for the Convention. \ otes on vital questions, to be legal, must he members in good standing. On all general qu« lions votes by both members and delegates will h' accepted. Officers and directors must be menibr in good standing. -10 — — 11 —