OFFICERS, Cont»d. Managing Director, H. S. Ayr30, Snn Antonio, Tex Haul'*..-jrbcr5 Bey lieu.-:, I* ke Charles, Lx. Field Engine'3i, Harry Loohu, La" Ins;el os, Calif. Trceourer, G. hbJuir, Gulfpovt, Hiss. Dirootoro, Col. J. A>:-perocn, Biloxi, 'liv . R. H. Fleming, Haw Orleans, La. II. A., Uoiy Orloan-, L:■. J. C. D^umgorton, Schulenlrorr;, Texas. ■ ■ I’su. .yulio nio;-;loi’, San Antonio, To;: ':. (Vacancies' filled by sae Proaidont: ". "V. liar: ill, Vino President for Florida; 3. II. Pock, Director for Al'.br-ua.) Nominations From the floor t tin; in order, L. A. Ho kins, Houston, Texas, nominated J* W. Moo ;loi n, "n, . e Tro.curor. This nomination cac roccnda bi 3 ' ni ; ■ *r. :f the He r East Drive tho starving chil'ii'3.1 of F.urop . There being no further buineeo before tho convention it then at 12:46 P. M., J nuery 29th', 1931, upon motion, adjourned to meet at the call of tho President at svhh iline and place as ho mi.ybt specify in. co.u’-.'ii .nee with. 1 ' <;l;o Bear; of Director! of this Association, ay hereinbefore provided. Harry J. Voxel Secretary Pro T.yoVo.