December 31 Dear Mayor, . ■ I leave daylight Monday scorning with D E Coli^ and a highway engineer (both very close to the highway depart cent) for on overland trip eastward. T7e will be busy in all counties, but will roach Ft. Bend (if it don't rain in that county) by evening for night conference. Me must vote, them for paving. I wish you could meet us at Rosenburg, cars Ed' Hisinger, Pres. Chamber Commerce. That is in your division. . Tuesday will probeed eastward, spending lost of,the day I suppose in Liberty courfcy. I judge will go to Bender Hotel, Houston, Monday' night after the -mooting, but may stay in Ft. Bend.. Try to figure to join us. Tuesday night, somewhere along the line, I take the train for am duo at Mobile Wednesday noon. Then will probably go to Jackson ville to. a big conference. Coin will take charge of Texas while I am away. lie ia the man I have used moat .on the'Brownsville work, and he la putting it over . I • Have the :rark'i rg c--x ready to follow with mrki rg to Orange., if-, can find any' way to pay expenses j this ia ore of tne objects of the trip. Hastily, and a HAPPY NEW YEAR, II