OSS-4 oaw caroms ijaetaa ass ©stiraatefi at 16,..' pass' capita. In the v;est we haw oontinaooa annual naa’i>a» ships at 060—-$300—i)2S0« 10/ pas capita fox this 2 Mississippi Coast uoula psolMtbly equal $4300 $3000 now should easy.7 the Coast aiutase fto the px ogiam the balance of 1928 •>l*en'aaxlci3ag Is itoalsad that is -?6 pe* wile. VJhex a ;potas as© act the t/saval jg deaesiption will he to ought up to xeasovabie atanftaxd. The travelog mfca-uy i» still experimental but the pjjeaent concise unci accurate nisi.hod is liked. Advertising , except as shown, is avoid o a . Travelers do not want a bulky advertising manual. Hotels should he described, either on individual paid basis ox as recommended by t|M) trustees of the community fund. Travelog deliveries will be i-iacie as ill Bit ibution warrants. If a local agency has good distribution facilities, that ie valuable to avaryone. national he&douoxtexs will maintain distribution over the o.S, and Canada, and along the os?. Half this quota paid now will hasten the fall edition of the Travelog. if requested, a field aar, can ha sent to assist in soliciting. The 031? receives city and ti/C funds from various :s*ui&i£s localities. Biloxi Chamber of Coai-ierc® will eon sides appropriation, bat they ax© ao% yet sold on the amount. Site managing director hay spent time this trip in Pascagoula and Ocean Springs. Pass otoiatian m»d hoy st. Louie have not been coveted; have, tried.