August 30 , 1933 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS—JANUARY 1—AUGUST 30 And Memoranda (Figures given subject to correction. Books are in poor shape. The figures however are substantially oorreot) RECEIPTS Since January 3, the period of my absenoe, the San Antonio office has received in cash, as follows; Cash Balance, January 1, 1923, 62 26 Sent from East by H B A $1565. 00 Drawn for eastern ejq?enaes, 769 47 Net to San Antonio of floe, 7 95 S3 (Note—Inasmuoh as the East has paid Tor all eastern expenses, this transfer of this amount to San Antonio id a sensitive question there) Received from D. M. Shreve, for advertising in section mape to be issued, and not issued nor in shape to be issued, altho Shreve la paid in full and overpaid, 3057 50 Received from R. 3. Thompson for memberships, 260650 Received from E. Reddriok for advertising, 630 00 Received from sundry memberships,,. ' _• • 1350 00 Reoeived from Del Rio, $36 50; deposited 8nB3 Total Receipts...................................... 58510 63 DISBURSEMENTS D. M.Shreve, commissions, R.B. Thompson, commissions, ; E. Reddriok, commissions and eutp allowance, D.E.Culp, salary, to July 15, " Expenses, to not lator than 7-24-32, Office expenses, help, incidentals, etc. Printing, §33 5.60; Ford oar, #0=45;Cks. returned,55 00 Knight,marking,-75 00; Baird, commissions,115 79, H B A, expense,JanS, for traveling, 100 00;salary, 100 Bank Balonoe, August 30, 1933/ (reported) - Discrepancy, must await completed books end, MEMORANDA About $1315 00 IS due and unpaid for accounts existing when I left, for rent,'history booklets, membership emblems, road marking, and feneral printing.- Sfcenty of mdney has come in to have paid these aocts 600oo was recently rrpaid on the rent. The $350 paid by me was the only other payment. There are additional obligations for unfulfilled service, for which the above moneys were Apparently it will require more than $1000 to fulfill reasonably well the obligations established. Shreve was given 75^ ,of collections and the OST car. Me was to mark the highway (where unmarked) and tc pay half the cost of pun ishing the section maps. Ke has b3sn, apparently, overpaid his commissions and is in default on publishing the section naps, and the marking dose by him ie a reproach. He was not bonded, and none of the regulations for checking the accounts of solicitors sera applied to hir• He was allowed, without rebuke apparently, to convert checks and mon ; CXjUUuM- I DO 2 303 70 651 63 34« 21 1473 17 1193 45 1415 00 311 05 190 7 9 300 00 C79&4 99 333 44 $8317' 43 193 19 ■X5L0-62