7/ UJIHlAliii — nWXim 1988 to Hay 1989. Gash Collected "by the Louisiana Division as Reported to 03? Headquarters. Vinton, — — --------- Welsh,--------------- o armings,----------- llarraentau ,-------- Sayne,--------------- Duson,--------------- Scott,--------------- Lafayette,— ——— ■ How Iberia,---------- Berwick,------------- Homan,--------------- St. Hnrtinvi. 17.0, — — Remitted to os? Headquarters,—---------- •J5 100.00 ■ 100.00 ■ 800.00 vp {\o . 100loo 20.00 80,00 ■ 100.00 • 186.00 . 100.00 • 250.00 ‘A 114 2.00 ■ 800.00 #1348.00 •‘1050.00 2he quotas voted at the Lafayette moating totaled about 38500 for the last half of 1988.