Nov. 13, 1928 OLD SPANISH TRAIL MEMBERSHIP The Old Spanish Trail from So. Augustine, Florida to 3an Diego, California has now §70,000,000 of completed roads, bridges and pavement as the result of thirteen years of work. Its future development, to cost $40,000,000 more, is established. The time has now come to build up a national travel movement that will benefit Beaumont and its territory. The Travel Development Program of the organization, to cost §50,000 during 1929, has been laid before the Chamber of Commerce and before a group of fifty citizens gathered at the Hotel Beaumont,and approved as of primary importance. Beaumont's quota is §2,000. That we may now cooperate in this work and help bring travelers, home seekers and investors into Beaumont and its territory we subscribe the amounts shown as an annual membership subscription until recalled. Committee of Chamber of Commerce H. E. Quinn, OST Vice-President for East Texas. Chairman 3en D. Jackson, Chairman Highway Committee, Chamber of Commerce. SxxasxxlSayEn J. L. Mapes E. A. Fletcher M. G. Muse T. H. Nees, Treas. NAME AMOUNT HOW PAYABLE