r 0oOOOD0o UtAOQUASnisrsM) AHlStllOTlEX MEZZANINE FLOOR, GUNTER HOTEL Uxir.xun runu f Aug. notn, xyHo. Ur. a. a. Ayres, Mgr. u. S. x. Assn., Sail AuuuzxxU, XcXas, JJoax SxrJ- xu nave uo report tne roilowing collections at VMtlltM Jruxxvx, Ujua'AA i'uzivi uaxiUAuxxiii. uu., WemDersnip.^^pxH, ' u. a. iiaUjaufj, taemoe r snip donation, v^yxp, __** l' "x. A. Mem Du r snip, V irjyio, ~Tf/0$l'Y PffoSHS.l‘I x>Auii. iiuAan-Al, Liemcersnip, ^ ff3yx I, , aauS; >/uua a iiuiii-ib, 0 s x (*arage, aeraoership, J «J uauait * s xuuxU ox wixir. KemDership, V v^yxp, " *• " Listing, " * onecas as ioiioyjs; oeziucr roxiit Mercantile uo•, $iu.uu u. a. naixace, p.00 x. a. Lanafr,T 10.00 d. A. JordEll, Hp.00 nxcnange, HU.00 SfO.OO xnore will prooaDly three more moniDerships come m irom here. $xu.uU J p.UU ; iu.oo V XU. 00 •/ XU.0U (/ 1U. uu v'. 1P.UU J tjyu.ou i am enclosing norcv;ith copy for the printer for the new Travelog for tnis point. i go from nerc to herrviilc and. will oe tnerc Saturday at tno St. notci unless called bacs to uoorne. P v- I ^ X‘ v c r y n:e spe c t rdi 1 y, eld./ Se cretary. / Onarles