County seat oi Fierce cuumo. iviv-.i .... . „ , farming land. Ample facilities for m “American” office, one of; the lai tourists est and finest Indian collections in I S,J’S„fefiJ° ti «3 «p S p"™1 •»*”.»;>•*»» ?”«' date citv for its size on the Meridian ."'e,ve n)ZS, sou‘h °f QEI .?e"° K * Highway. Twenty-five miles of paved r!ne ne'v bn(6? °fthe South Canadia streets. Fine golf links. One half !'T' °P?ned, Iast eos^ °Z million dollar high school. Road in- , I*}11 '.0 f3.s' ^°n' nV t;S s™ formation and information bureau at °f the bridge is Mmco. Population <00 Chamber of Commerce Rooms, June- CHICKASHA, Okla.—County seal tion Meridian and Blue Pole Highway, of Grady county. Population (0,179 MADISON, Neb.—Population 2,000. Tourist camp at fair.grounds, east of County seat of Madison county. Tour- Hock Island station dml one at city ist camp near the west side of M. H. 'va^e‘' tower south part of ctiy. Slum-bridge. Junction Grain Land Highway 11011 Springs municipal park anil hatband Upland Highway. Homs of Dr. ,nff P°o1 three-fourths miles south of F. A. Long, vice president of Merid- clt-v water tower. Oklahoma College inn Highway. Forty-two miles of con- for Women. Flour mills, cotton oil timious gravel on M. H. out of Madi- an,l Rock Island shops. Modern tour-son. ist facilities. Ozark Trail to Lawton. HUMPHREY, Neb. — Population RUSH SPRINGS, Okla.—Population S00. Ill Platte county in rich farming 90.°- Has mineral water. Fourteen communiiy and lias ample tourist i'a- miles, of bad roq