•«"v.v Var 1933 Dr. Paul J. Foik, Tt. 'chord';: Tr.iversity, Aur: tin, Texas. v dear 1 c '.or: lot answering o today; ju::t putt!, up few stray t-’OU f’to V . ’anday, . 1 Cli ibc p ibli hod i; the A. ai tide Jc •.......an* , dt re j eli :.or- . on O'’ v, . h. a ;. -a i.oetii! ’..../o not t - i <........ it it 8 eem8 -- - . lol : v. iZ-i ;n ■ . . rations ublic, ■ sc called o Grant, the Hanagir.j litor of :'h~ : h. :‘-.i i ... . ..o • ul : :k thing aho Id ted to, 1 luast, ...' ■ ....1-ic c guard againet ■ -.c>. of . thing;-.. A . get .Atitude. • nt said is .. ti ate; h ......... avo kept to his piano ching. But hi ■ live ... t Litt . ciety helps him ;o’eat. : I h don't interfere ■ Lth lIz . here isn't a • il in that aoc: ety, .. n . at is s st dent of history hut it in Fred’only v.y t live. arant the:-: wont on to state he v; :: interesting hiusoli in •i-.u.ouern history; .u, ..:n: ft unu that i.;.- cl D.*h ;:r. • • the •randohildren of, people of that sei-.i.-modern period bought rainy ,-Ki.rti .'ms...he- published such history. \.a» •kicking" ’..’iters on to that sort of history; it mu. good circulation stuff. -lie not i.v ci/o’-’to.i in old Spanish; too f;-j back, no circulation' interest. I have been told ..this is second-handed talk; that Frank Huntress, t o F.aA .fi 3 owner, also-holds this Grant vis-. , and is not interested in old Spanish history; doesn't think it of sufficient value to the city. I assume, from these things?, that Grant probably considers Fred's 200 Members will be good purchasers of the paper if ho publishes Fredls stuff,' I think- I have given you a fair analysis of our conversation and of the policy of the EXPRESS. The LIGHT may be classed the same way; a purely commercial