I ft m rj&e easu 1 MAP SAI£3 TO 30SIN83S C(nCEPZJS S pea* 1000 With ( Gongs ii -'cntc of ) ( Hamo' Address ) imprinted on cove? 2 SPECIAL ORDERS, EOTBIS ETC* One oovor pan© and on© other page substituted* To bo i.eolorr. <■ Hotel to pay cost of jn&asspc the '' »ke-ttp:i on the special nnyeo« 3 WHOIfSSAIfi ORDERS (5 por 10..000 lots. And cost of special "raake-np»'' 4 BIACE PACE TIPS POT. HOTELS A”D CV!PS OB per year Blade f»e- typo 1 rtrls —'.1 c- pe 1: tat Li- 23 per yea? Extra lino for special description £25 per year r, COYER FtSERTIGHS (poomanent) $30 each 22?! off for threo-yesr order 3 2 QUESTIONS Subseqaent costa? < Wholesale orders? Special orders? hotels otc.7 jut; Special r»ke~«ps? X IriprinSs* Compliments of otc.? 0