4 Published in the interest of THE OLD SPANISH 'IRAIL a free man in a free country the American has not been bound -by any tradition or precedent that it was “not proper or could not be done.” He wanted to fly and he cad' it. But aeroplanes were too expensive for ordinary man, so Henry Ford, obeying the law that necessity is the mother of invention, created the “Flivver”—a cross between a “Flyer” and a “Lighter.” The lighting so often and so hard being distasteful to this same American lie has started, out of this necessity, to create a remedy and he is going to take the rattle and the bounce out of this “Flivver,” whether he can read or write or , not or whether it costs twenty-five millions or twenty-five billions of dollars—such is America and the American; he may be bound for perdition, but it is evident that he is on his way and the only thing that can stop him or even halt him for breath on this good road program is for some supergenius to go the immortal Henry one better and build a real honcst-to-goodness “Flying Mivvcr” that sells for $395, f. o. b. Detroit, that soars aloft and needs neither road or Highway Department.' ---------ost------- • In addressing the convention State Comptroller Lon A. Smith who is also president of the Jefferson Davis Highway, said: “If I should announce a theme for discussion today, my friends, it would be ‘Optimism of Faith and Devotion of Service.’ “I am led to this thought by the faith, service and sacrifice of the Franciscan and Jesuits who blazed the route oitheSpanishTra.il from the Everglades of Florida through the States of song, tradition and story, to the shores of California, ki'-sed by the singing waves of the majestic Pacific; a land which smiles beneath the glories of a soft Southern sun, and presents to the eye of the traveler myriads of clear crystal lakes, rivaling in beauty those to be found in tlie playground of Europe; a flora peculiar to this section, not surpassed in variety by any country on the globe; a fauna inviting to Nimrod, and denizens of the water interesting to disciples of Ike Walton. Mocking bird and nightingale, representative songsters of feathered tribci, regale the hours with cadences of joyous note. Tall, sombre pines, sentinels of boundless forests, yielding wealth to the axe of the woodman: fields of ripening rice, waving sugar cane, fleecy cotton, expanse of prairies, towering mountains, verdant plains, singing waterfalls, smiling landscapes, crystal streams, populous cities, a country of wealth beneath which lies subter- ranean lanes of golden oil; a land of glorious history, of proud traditions, sweet romances, entrancing legends, abounding in sentiment inspiring, inviting with promises of greater glory, a veritable panorama of loveliness, beauty and sublimity. Highway to Traverse Land “It is through this country that die people of the proudest nation on earth will construct a highway connecting the clinic of the East with the setting sun of the West, traversing a land made sacred by explorer, poet, priest and preacher. The land of Spanish splendor and French devotion, the land of Cavalier and Conqueror traversed by Cortez and Pizarro, Ponce de Leon and DcSolo, Coronado and LaSalle, Narvaelh and DcVaca; a land made sacred by a Longfellow and a Father Ryan in the sentiment of Evangeline and The Land We Love; a land revealing yet, after a period of almost five centuries, in plaza and mission,. the throbbing heart of Spanish endeavor and French optimism as they conquered streams, climbed mountain and' explored deserts, braved hardships, limited only by human endurance, as they dreamed of gold and glory. A land later hallowed by the baptism of blood of such patriots as Fannin, Milam, Bowie, Crockett and Travis. Voice, of Past. Calls to Task “Voices of the past call .us to the task of comuructing this highway. The present invites us to complete the enterprise. The future will sing of our endeavors .and accomplishments, for heroic deedi of men arc not forgotten by posterity. Millions will traverse this highway. Il will be as famous as the Appian Way constructed by Appius Claudius more than three centuries before Chricf, which is today a monument to the courage and judg,. menl of a powerful people. We will build our 9S5 miles. Optimism of Faith and Devotion of Service will win.” --------ost--------- Fred M. Herndon, special staff correspondent of the San Antonio Express, in reporting from- the convention site to his paper wrote: LIMPIA CANYON, Davis Mountains, Tex., July S. —Awakened by the song of myriad mocking birds, the Old Spanish Trail motor camping party arose this morning from a refreshing slumber, eager for the morning horseback ride through the canyons of the proposed National park, saddle horses being furnished the party by citizens and ranchmen of Jeff Davis County. Following old Indian trails, some of which are now good motor roads, the party traversed the mountain canyons, reveling in the wild beauty and majestic grandeur fashioned by the Master Architect from the great mass of earth and rock of Davis mountains. The good roads and parks convention camp was pitched near the head of beautiful Limpia Canyon, beside a big spring, eight miles west of Fort Davis, and also atop the mountain range. uPar Prom the Madding Crowd’' Here, away from the usual habitat of man, where time and space are forgotten and peace and rest arc found, the people of Foil Davis and Jeff Davis County have established a beautiful camp site. Special preparations for this good roads and parks convention included a number of best cooks in West Texas, who catered to the cvcrincrea°ing appetites of the visitors in a handsome manner. An electric light plant from .Marfa installed by W. E. Caldwell with lights throughout the camp site, and many other conveniences added to the pleasure of camp life. --------ost--------- TO HOUSTON AND GALVESTON Let’s invite all die good roads associations running into Houston and Galveston to hold their annual meeting with next year and have’ a two-day joint convention with 3,000 delegates and visitors. We can make it the largest convention of its kind in the South. --------OST--------- Emil Loefflcr, president of the Junction Hardware Company, Junction, Texas, is always glad to give information about roads, fishing and hunting spots in his section. Stop and get acquainted when you get to his town. BIRDSONG & POTCHERNICK Franklin Distributors SAN ANTONIO........................TEXAS JACK NEAL NASH MOTORS CO. Nash Distributors SAN ANTONIO..............TEXAS