jjeaumont, Texas Information and Seruice Typewritten logs and similar information given out con-rerning (lie Old Spanish Trail arc unnecessary and often misleading. There arc more printed hooldets, maps, road graphs and territorial information printed about this highway than probably any other national trunkline. Four national organizations spend money and ear mileage extensively to keep the information over the whole highway reasonably eorrcel. These local efforts to provide information are for local glory; they convey to many the idea of primitive or unorganized conditions whereas this is a highly developed United States Highway. Garages, service stations, auto camps, hotels and other comforts abound along the way, and improvements arc continual. The Old Spanish Trail is being made the greatest travclway on the continent. Send for Descriptiue Story A more complete descriptive story of this southern borderland country will be off the press shortly and will be mailed on receipt of 50c. It includes in brief form/TlnP physical description of the country, the remarkable industrial developments of today, and the interesting old Spanish history of those three centuries of occupation. The Old History The old Spanish history of the American occupation is not easily gathered together for brief statement. Many old records are in Spanish and in foreign archives. In developing these historical statements nice cooperation is enjoyed from the OST State universities and from historians of authority. Many communities carelessly publish matter for which no basis can be found in history. Cooperation is asked that Old Spanish Trail material may always he correct in statement and in spirit. - % 9 OLD - SPANISH -TRAIL HIADOUARTIRS.SSH ANTONIO. TtX Industrial Capital of East Texas Situated on the main line of the Old Spanish Trail, yet less titan an hour and a half from the gulf by automobile. the rapidly growing port city of Beaumont. Texas, is particularly fortunate in its geographical position. The recent completion of the concrete road across Liberty County was the one thing needed to give Beaumont first-class highways radiating in every direction. The Liberty County road completes the concrete and asphalt paving of tlie Old Spanish Trail from the Louisiana line thru Beaumont and Liberty and westward. Beaumont is the county seat of Jefferson County and according to the City' Directory of .1927 has at this time a corporate population of 05,000, although the population of Greater Beaumont, which includes its industrial environs, would probably reach a considerably higher figure. Variety of Industries Because of the fact that so many different industries are pursued in and around Beaumont, there are a number of interesting show-places in its vicinity for tourists. Oil production, oil refining, rice and other agricultural activities, lumber, shipping and manufacturing—till these contribute substantially toward the city’s progress and prosperity. Furthermore, all these industries with the possible exception of lumber are on the rise, though of course it is difficult to predict anything very far ahead with reference to oil production. The Spindle Top oil field which originally came in as the first oil gusher in America in 1901, came in again in November, 1925, after a period of dormancy of more than twenty-five years. During 192G it produced in excess of 15.000,000 barrels, and during the first six months of 1927 approximately 11,500,000 barrels. Those who have never seen an oil field where the derricks are as thick as trees in a forest should certainly pay Spindle Top a visit. Beaumont's expansion program for 1927 involves more than twenty illion dollars. Recreational Beaumont’s death rate is the lowest in Texas. The annual mean temperature is GS degrees, varying from a monthly minimum of 52 degrees in February to a maximum average of S2 degrees in July. Snow is almost unheard of, while the summers are characterized by gulf breezes, so that outdoor sports and recreations are followed the year round. Both fresh water and salt water fishing are among the favorite pastimes of the residents of this section, while beach parties and all kinds of outdoor games, except of course the so-called winter sports, have large followings. South Texas State Fair, second largest in Texas, held at Beaumont for 10 days in November each year. A 30-FOOT CHANNEL TO THE SEA Chamber of Commerce Beaumont, Texas