Marrh 3, 1SS8 Dear Mrs. Hi feeler , I anr. enclosing you a letter just written Mr. Coip, also one of the bulletins which also represents ,, nev; letterhead gotten out. You can see now why it io I have had the diffi-oultiea I have had this xjaat yeas* with e- ployees • The present act of course removes any question to what 1 have had to contend with, and shows the tendencies of the Doctor. I of course cannot allow my, onout to be interfered with in such manner, nor allow my;joif to beooa:o the pawn to the vanities of anyone. 1 have been trying to do over hero the past two months what it cost us two years to do i:a Texas, via: tc got the people together and make sorothi./: cut of the Old Spanish Trail"thru here. Z h. :>:■■ ear:, r... .1/. hors ,s.d ,:.oo sent $300 to Headquarters to help them on expenses there. Have now a Gulf Coast Road Conference called, everybody from Hew Orleans to Tallahassee. All Mobile is now behind the effoist, and apparently the biggest and moot important convention the OST has ever had will be this conference. 1 haven't time therefore to bother much with these interferences of the President, not while all these cares are or me here. March GO,21 is the conference. It is only fair to cay to you as a director howSvor that neither these acts nor any similar ones will be accepted by re. At the moment 1 have not decided just v,h step;;, v shall except that. X shall try to act in a way that is kindly toward all the good people there who have so nicely supported r.v: r.l the work. ’kith kindest regards to you, Sincerely, *7hile enclosing that bulletin I ur incidentally indicating the ”standard” pf printea matter now bain;: turned out.