0ST»2 alive to travel development needs as aro the people of these old established routes, sf. n= St. Augustine, '.Florida is building a monument to the Old Spanish Is all. Wo want to make that dedication national in scope so the whole world may know of the Old Spanish Isail and its hospitable people and country. The Spanish Goverment- through its King and Premier has appointed official representatives to that dedication.. v/o had planned £02 the Californians to start a motorcade from San Diego. Obviously such a motorcade v/ould vitalise interest and hundreds of cars would join all along the way. A representative and informed group would reach St. Augustine. 'The convention could 'be held -in connection with that international dedication. St. Augustine has promised $25,000 for that dedication and its historical pageantry, the city and county assisting with appropriations from the advertising fund. The St. Augustins date was fixed April IS£9, the date of discovery of Florida by Ponce do Leon. But the Californians and. westerners are to go on their aoeond motorcade to Hot Springs in April 1929. W© do not yet know how these complications arc to be handled. Wo can however through tho State units take care of State ana regional Interests and lead up in some way to a representative dedication and convention. Some readjustment of flat St-nay. be .possible. Incidentally the groat spread across tho continent of tho problems of this one interest illustrates something of tho difficulties of administration this