OUTLIE SUC'C-iSTIOlIS VO?. ...OilOK 3T BX30U2IVJI Q07i?rr^n»t«1.r<’, or THE OLD SE&XSH TRAIL, 11! HESTING BejaxSER 7, 1922 1 RESOLVED, That the following accounts payable ho charged on the hooks to bo paid when funds permit. Standard Printing Co 74 " 51 95 lid Staves & Sons 11 Gunter Hotel 066 Morgan-'.;oodwarfi Co 34 Texas Blue Print 11 Service Engraving Co 37 Fleyercord Co., Chicago,90 SA Printing Co 259 Geo Poteherniok 27 Clifton George 26 ■ is. W knight 80 S E Baldwin 65 Fischer Drug store 4 W II Aikman 65 Birkhead & Lang 5 Press Clipping Bureau 5 F I! Herndon *115 li .4 Brown * H B Ayres 250 E B Ayr os 50 II B Ayres 60 70 General acct. 75 10,000 history blclts. Details shoot 3 00 Stoves S d 1) Co. A25 11b duo, 1922 27 Collect 100 I lb. 1922—also 1 J Hart nib ’100 for 1982: also 40 hist, bkit-see shoot 5 23 Collect ; 85 mb 1922 05 " 15 mb « 74 ,! 10 mb :: (soe Francis, below) 00 95 Collect 1921-22 mb ,;25 ea 05 ” 1922 mb $25 — cancel advertising 99 r <: 2b " " 9.1 Arizona 00 50 00 00 00 Dallas 00 00 Gunter rent ) 54 Expanses returning to BA from Bast) Otatmt 29 Sundry cash advances ) herewith iT.snols, Items, San Diego, Cal.4200 Lake Charles, 50 Gonzales, 17 Beaumont, 3 50 San Antonio, 54 59 Lordsbur g, il. 11. 5 iiafd.0 lake 50 00 ’ “**”365 09 S Vi Telephone Co 29 35 Vi U Telegraph 3 54 Southern Tr and Commeroe Bank, chock Calcasieu Bat Bank, chock. Hotel, check Burge's Garage acct. Service Engraving Co, aocts. Check Cash c dice ted for "advertising" Collect Colp personal ehgs, this and past bill H B Ayres, settlement 5025 00 Statement shoets 5 and 6 * Not verified. T __i!otAdjusted._ Dot to_bo entered until ordered. K B Thompson “ 806“"16 See Rea. l-!o~10 Johnson Ptg Go 500 00 Colp soys compromised, 100 with ,70 pd D id Colp, salary, 450 00 Sea lies, iio 3 j) R Colp, oxconse, 07 00 " " MEMO. About 1000 is needed for current and traveling expense until January. Sea sheet No 3