Development of the Arizona old Span h~8 t C°nj"nction with those of Ao them Mexico adjacent to Nogales together with a tourist highway covering the Santa Cruz Mission trad projected soon into Mexico by Col eminent men, authorities on Missions. Drank Pinkley, custodian of the Tu-niacacori Mission, on his recent visit to that ruin and Nogales, conferred ' , the Nogales chamber-of-commerce relative to restoring the Mission to con. ™ guaranteeing its preservation. He also proposes to beautify and clear up the 15-aero government national lark grant surrounding the Mission. | Outlines Tourist Trail At that time ho outlined the possi-bihties of establishing a Tourist Trail to cover the Missions of Arizona and the Santa Cruz district, linked with the ancient specimens of Missions in >.onora. Sonora was the cradle of the old Spanish missionary movement into the U, S. California is an adjunct to the Santa Cruz Valley Missions just as these aro adjuncts of the Sonora .Missions. dho purt\ to visit Sonora going via Nogales on the missionary oxploratorv tnp will include Dean Cummings of Arizona University, Frank Pinklov Justnd Jaastad, architect specialist on the Missions restoration, and Prentice Ducll. The trip will cover possibilities and needs for gas and auto service station. Hotel accommodations will also be worked out with rond data. Nogales as Tourist Couter The plan will make Nogales a tourist trail center for travel of persons visiting the Missions. This will be a part of the Old Spanish Trail which includes the old Missions route from Flor--ida to California. The Tourist Trail development will make Nogales the most important point between California and Florida on the Old Spanish Trail. In outlining the proposed trip into Mexico, Mr. Pinkley writes tile Nogales chamber-of-commerce as follows: In company with three (Other persons who are as interested in Arizona mission history as myself, I want to go into Mexico for a week or two, crossing at Nogales, Ariz. We will probably not want to go more than 80 miles south of Nogales. Dolores will probably bo the farthest southeast and Caborca the southwest limit of the journey. We must make the trip in person so we may be ablo to: (1) Get relinble rond data for rond maps. (2) Got plans of various Missions. (3) Get photographs of tho Missions and towns for the files and advertising purposes. (1) Get in personal touch with the authorities and see what they will do toward aiding a general movement to advance the interest in Missions. When we return from the trip, if conditions aro found satisfactory, wo want to arrango for an advancement of tho Arizona chain of Missions from its present obscure state until it becomes a thing of prominent interest in the mind of" tho tourist. This might bo done oitlior by a special organization under some such name as the ‘‘Arizona Mis- sion Association,” or it plight be dono through a special committeo or department of tho Archaeological and. Historical Society. IIIII Gill ES