MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE OLD F'5 AMISH TRAIL, HELD IN THE OFFICE OF THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL, GUNTER HOTEL, FAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, MARCH 12, 1023, at 4:00 P. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The following v:-r3 present: Kenneth Rimer, Percy Tyrrell, H. T. Matthews and Dr. Fred 3. Johnston. In the absence of Mr. Faithall, Mr. Tyrrell acted as Seer etary. The minutes of the previous meeting .'/ere read and approved. Approval of disbursement sheet (No. 8) was hela in abeyance. .. pending the straightening out of the bank account at Lake Charles, but the bills shown on same were ordered paid. A letter to Mr. Newton ./as drafted, setting out the terms of his employment, as requested by him, copy on file. Proposed amendments to by-laws of Old Spanish Trail Association Constitution were discussed and the office requested to send copies to all the Directors of the Association. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjournad.