H ^oldvi )*::i .T"”1''otjn" ”h;.t is .:•••: DISTURB’’.! IH TTX^D bo:-? :n?;.»?W.D •: uiot.;ay project took .-r. AUprUinic:, 7 to oouriiruTD isi tic ;:oor.i!i;:ivi) -jid -L'WAB^Xian:!) > iiiiU .)i;:o). o/iLif’o * * The Galveston into Protective ’ association in mooting Slay 25, 1925, unanimously adopted the following resolutions and requested them to ho submitted to the Governor, the Highway commission and to tho press, '.ifHHHHiVS, the old Spanish Trail has been under development as a national highway for ton years and as such ha a boon rocognizod by tho states through which it passes and by tho United Utatos as the baaio trunkline of the South crossing the continent from Ut. i.ugustino, Florida to :3an Diego, California, and WHHRUA8, oitizons of Galveston ns early ns 1917 joined with oiticons of Houston, Beaumont and Urange and tho Louisiana cities in aoouting conditions between Houston and Hew Orleans as its part at that period in working out the transcontinental route, and this at coots which involved shipping the oars back from How Orleans by train. and ■raSHiUS, through the succeeding yours all tho southern borderland cities and towns have helped to carry through this grout trunkline project that the people of the notion might bo brought to mid sxmd theIr money and tine in this southern country, and WH:£RTA3, it is reported the State Highway Commission has voted or announced that the section of this highway across Texas should be named the "Jefferson Davis Uonorial Highway" thus aiming at tho destruction of ten years work by Texas citizens mid involving Texans in bad faith with sister states, TrriHEF'THK BL' IT RBSOLVKD: That we unanimously request tho Ututo Highway Commission to publicly declare tho Old Spanish Trail imne across Texas shall remain as planned and that the Highway Department will continue cooperation with sister states to build a nationally known trunkline over this route across the continent, and to cooperate in every possible way to establish tho Old i5Danish Trail as a great southern trunkline, and to refuse recognition to any group or interest Booking to fasten other names upon tho highway and thus cause confusion to travelers- and discouragement to tho non and women who have worked so long to create the Old Spanish Trail as tho connecting artery between Florida and California,