:.-y 14, 1917. Mr# A. J?» dyer, Manngor0 Dallas Automobile C lub, Dallas, Texas# Dear oir:- Sinoo writing you on April 11th 1 havo hoard nothing further from you# If you v;ill allow me to I v.ouid - ry much like? to at the Tallahassee Conve .tion suggest your name for Assistant go or'>t ary of "The Old Spanish Trail" In the Vest# ly idea is that the Pi old j « really too i'ig for one learnt ary and in connection with appointment of an Assistant Seer >taiy of »Tho Cld donnish Trail" in the Ve^t I ";ant bo suggest to Convention th«R appointment of «*->-*. Assistant Secretary of "I'a old Spanish Trail" in the Hast, Chief duties of Assistant Secretary in the last and '.lost would bo to assist the Secretary in compiling inf«rn tion for the bulletin that ill be of interest to ail parts of "T eOld Spanish Trail*-" There are a groat many enspacers and oxcrange0 that you got for instance, that do not ap.josr in the da-t and thr>«e newspapers ■■nd exchanges v/oul•?. have items of interest* The same in true of tire .iastern end/^'iS-istar.oe oft ary,