MAILING DIVISION ‘ilXirittcI J>t«xtes f^ost ©ffxcje CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A-216 A-216 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF MAILS November 19, 1917, Old Spanish Association, Mobile, Alabama. Sirs:- In reply to your communication of the 51st ultimo, (SAieB/iB), regarding book mailed October 17th, desired delivered to Hr. \7. V.. Haynes, B.P. Goodrich Rubber Company, Touring Bureau, 1925 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111., you are informed that a care fill search in this office and inquiry of the addressee fail to reveal any trace of the book. If not otherwise accounted for and you desire further investigation made, it is suggested that a tracer similar to the enclosed be filed at the office of mailing. Respectfully, Postmaster. U*14. line. 1510