Operating Costs Experts arc still figuring out the operating costs of an automobile with reference to differing types of roads. The Iowa State College and Highway Research Council determines that a two-ton car traveling 100 miles over gravel or macadam costs more than $4.50 in gas and tire wear. Over concrete the cost is about 2 cents a mile, a net saving of more than 50% in favor of that Surface. The National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, in Operation and Maintenance, says that it costs 10.27 cents per mile to operate the overage passenger car, according to a study made by the Iowa College department. Eleven typical cars ranging in price from $400 to $1,800 were used in demonstration. This cost is made up of gasoline, 1.61; oil, .31; tires, .98; maintenance, 1.24; depreciation 3.16; interest, 1.25; insurance, .31; garage, .83; license, .59—all in cents per mile. Of these cars a light four touring with a cost per mile of 7.05 was the lowest, while a six-cylinder coach was the highest, with 11.73 cents. © OPERATION Gas $1.61 Oil .31 Tires .98 I 'a int1 c e 1.S4 ■ 4.14 HAIUTSItelCB Lenre'tn 3.1C-': Tnt'st 1.25 Tns'oe .31 Garage .83 license _.5£ 6.14 Av. Car,. . ... . 10.28 Light Bonr, .. . 7.05 Six Cylinder,. 11.73< NOTE. These costs are on constant, day hy day, basis. a six oyl. car collecting 11.73 per mi. occasionally is still costing the owner 11.75 per'ni. while he has the car 7hen 12/ per mi. in collected on long, hard trips, and nothing on ■’rmiraerable little ,-asy trips, the 12/ does not pay for the operating and the hard wear and tear and the excessive depreciation imposed. One 7/onld have to average on all driving to come out even on 12/ per mi. No. 788 NATIONAL COLUMNAR BOOK Hade In the following Rulings 6 Columns to Right. 8 Columns to Right. 10 Columns to Right. 12 Columns to Right. 16 Columns to Right, Double Page Form. 18 Columns to Right, Double Page Form. 20 Columns to Right, Double Page Form. 24 Columns to Right, Double Page Form. 26 Columns to Right, Double Page Form. 30 Columns to Right, Double Page Form. 8 Columns Divided. (4 items 4) 10 Columns Divided. (5 items 5) 12 Columns Divided. (6 items 6) 20 Columns Divided. Double Page Form (6 items 14) 24 Columns Divided, Double P3ge Form. (12 items 12) 26 Columns Divided, Double Page Form. (4 irems 22) 27 Columns Divided, Double Page Form. (3 items 24) 27 Columns Divided, Double Page Form. (5 items 22) 28 Columns Divided, Double Page Form. (6 items 22) 24 Columns, Cash-Journal Form. (2 items 22) The above are Units, No. 3 Faint. Also Records, Margin Line, And Stock Registers. TO DUPL. JA7E THIS BOOK:— Order No. 788 Slate Ruling indicated by arrow Give Thickness wanted MADE IN ISO AND'300 PAGES i A recent news item said: ■'According to engineering experts in Washington, D. C., the minimum cost at which a passenger automobile may be operated is 7 1-2 cents a mile. This amount includes gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, labor and materials.” The above estimate docs not include depreciation which on most cars equal 100% in four or five years, including depreciation the cost of operating an automobile is from I 0 to 30 cents per mile. The average cost is above 1 5 cents per mile. The average fare on a street car is 2 1-2 cents per mile, therefore the cost of a three-mile ride to town in an automobile will average 45 cents, as against seven cents on a street car. In the summer a car parked in the open will be injured by the weather alone more in one day than the street car fare necessary to carry the owner to and from business, to say nothing of other costs.