.* I!r*a7m •>"? "■{: i)!'•«!• . lv?:: - .v >?imn , including i;ho l’cnortaabla dedication foettrltioff ?-i ♦;* u Thg Californians left a«-i? 1UI-Jo * * Harrs! i.yre* joined the Sailtornia «;rfcy -,c I a»«o* ft « wall l.J-.- ii'iUs, i'.V '■ ■ .•> H - lei -'ore f-tV? prevailing a;.re» Irf the party on a the pr udont of ute .>«.n Mrg^o County licurdt captain e£ Hm 8sltlaai» traffic poiis*, by the who traveled ia full unii’om a;ul with ell the authority California. could J..;.' at la hire; e-id ;.y : v-mo :K :•.'••;>.•■. c ••j: " jrir:crao retained for that throe wneke; a v$of•«pvoos£drm^ of the -<;ak of Ititly; a v;Gelt.by i»o*tt,«8"RtsttiV3 of : •: :.v , v -fen; tui official ropyoooaly’tive of {;•*? -vm \?; '. ■. • : r'ffoff renra- sentutive of the Ohentoer of ro'v-mvjc :!•••••>.• ;u mM 'iumroue other reprcsantfiti vs po oplo. fhc aotoroKflc r.v.r; vrnquentiy ;*.yfc »V* ' '■■• • > n;?srij*tr>, "Wiles ran; r’ts and antortniaioa «t conpiinjatvrv dim -ad j.’ho Californian* on r.r- eal occaaicoa v;; I- f! 5.u their nblia uttarcnoca thoir »cney was no good ftar they loft 1 .•■ ?::;<> ThoHe courtesies r:nd attentions continued imt-il t»r. •>,|n -nt^-iana roturnoA hoyy-., '?h« '1 yujo jb ;•••: ■ ••:•:■ f: rv. / :.••••,, Thu city traffic officers not «t t r .Tov; ’.neico line, The people of Balnorhoa, .'o* 8, .o rved c^ppllnontuiy diimor in the CJ W.J.UV J/ ■ .:: : /:.• ■;■;•.;ov:-) (uny-yu find Aelfghtfnlo The or; to 'vholij trio ivil! never be •>orj;ott«n* nv;o ho’>r:i V't'-r ■ i: ' o took v ■ .; • rt.v -n: l: v;r -ivi to coffee and »ie tml wore told to t- to the nioely wrapped afiudwiniios in the car. ?wonty-.ft»© :’t. -itoo'icton ••••<• -mie josnoft -h) r-hia oa>ffoo luncheon* .t-. h