Juno 1, 1922 Mr. Harrell B, Ayres, ELKS CLUB, Washington, D. C, My dear Ayres; Your telegram to me was patented to the Chamber of Commerce at its first meeting, but owing to the absence of several members, it did not occur until early this week. The Chamber decided to make an effort to raise the $1500.00, and appointed a Committee, of which I am Chairman,, to devise a plan. I regret that this action was taken by the president, as my physical condition is such now that I can not take on another ounce of work. I am seriously contemplating renouncing all activities and going away for one or two weeks in an effort to relieve the exahusted physical condition I feel myself in. I have been having a rather strenuous term of Court, and this, coupled with the responsible duties incident to the management of Ssufley Beach, and a rough and tumble fight over the road program which I started, in an effort to get definite action on the bridge, has put me into a condition bordering on nervous prostration. I shall not be able to give the matter of seeking membership in the Old Spanish Trail any attention for two or three weeks to come, and unless I can fine someone else to take this responsibility, it will have to wait. X am slowly getting the road situation here in hand again, looking to the definite allotment of $159,000,00 to begin immediate work on the bridge, and I feel that this should be my contribution towards road measures for the immediate future. If you could only come back here and take active control of the work, I know it would go ahead, but I feel certain I can not drop anj^thing that 1 am engaged in now. I trust that yo'u will meet with success in Washington and shall be very glad to hear from ycu , with suggestions affecting the situation here. Very truly yours, // PRESIDENT-DR. FRED 8. JOHNSTON,san antonio.Texas MANAGING DIRECTOR-H. B. AYRES, san antonio. tcxas VICE PRESIDENTS: SECRETARY—HERBERT BAYLISS. LAKE CHARLES. LA.