October iTAnon , 19 1 7 Mr. Halt or Parker-, General Manager, New Orleans Association of commerce. New Orleans, La. My dear Sir: Mr. S.A.LoBlano, Secretary of the Old Spanish Trail Association,:Mobile, has requested no to send you data regarding the Trail in Florida, and I an sending by this nail naps an , other data which v/ill give you a goo .1 i ioa of the groat work that is being done in this St te for this important highway. I recently msdo a trip ever the Trail,as far west as Ohipley,Fla. ,a part of the trip being made in the terrible storm that swept this section Sept,2Sth, and we 'were able to keep a spoo l of about twenty miles an hour, except when we slowed down to avoid danger cf ear being turned over by the wind,on return trip. The few.'''- at the Apalacl icola river can carry three cars, and the time in crossing,usually, is about twenty minutes.; fare $1.00 per oar. Hu: read from Marianna eastv;ard to approach to river is good,and at west approach is a good wooden bridge,with tour-outs; and on the east side, a high,broa I fill makes traveling safe to the high ground at Chattahoochee;from which point,the going is fine all the way to Tallahassee, and as far east as Live Oak,PI . The read from Live Oak to Jacksonville is sandy and not very good, but many cars travel this route,dally* After January 1st,191S» the State Road Department will have entire charge of the east and west road across Florida—the Old Spanish Trail Highway, so it will be put in first-class condition and. kept sc. I hope New Orleans v/ill send a motorcade to Tallahassee and Miami,during the coming winter. T/ith best wishes, I am. Very truly. Secretary. Assistant Secretary Old Spanish Trail Assoolat Lon, flor the Past.