abundantly) in order to substitute a name other states will not accept and that will find no appeal among northern people. The Highway Department, thoughtlessly perhaps, yielded to the request of these women and authorized naming the OST link in Texas the Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway, It will be disastrous to southern interests if allowed to stand, for it will destroy a great national highway project that is being watched and helped by the leaders of the whole United States as a. new playground and a new country for settlement and investment to be opened by it. Will you have your people --- 1 - Press for positive action by the Highway Commission in discarding the name of Jefferson Davis Highway from the OST in this State that the workers in Texas and also in the other states may know the Old Spanish Trail project is to be carried on. 2 - Reach the Governor also in the most effective way you can. It is important she should realize the value of this project to Texas and the importance of pushing construction and maintenance work. All Texas bene fits, for the people must come down thru the states to get to this transcontinental trunkline ----- it is being built as the southern reservoir for all northern travel seeking tho sunshine and the attractions of the Gulf. 3 - Advise us of what you do, also send us all newspaper clippings relative to this subject, A mighty interesting scrapbook is in the making. We are working to put out great quantities of printed travel information, travelogs, maps, magazine articles, etc., to bring tourists to this OST territory and this action of the Highway Department is upsetting this work, Harral B. Ayres, OST Managing Director.