Y/HEH&iS: The the policies of this Association heretofore have "been— 1. To bond all field men in a national surety company, 2. To have clearly defined contracts of record with them, 3. To require all checks to he made payable to the Old Spanish Trail .lissociation and remitted to Headquarters in full, neither checks nor funds to-be indorsed or converted and used by field men for any purpose, 4. To enter all- transactions in. full on the Gash. Book and to keep a clear ledger record of all accounts, ' 5-. To build up a service to benefit GST membersf and for the traveling public, and not to use the organisation to favor non-members in preference to members, or to solicit worthless advertising. •'APD AKElffiAS: The Constitution and By-laws provide that "all membership shall run according to the calendar year," and Thereas, at Siilfport in 1921 the Five Dollar membership was abolished, AJTD TBF.HSAS: The non-obsrvance of these policies and constitutional requirements the past few months has involved the Association in difficulties, TlTACTFOIiS RBSOLETD by this Advisory Board that the management shall hereafter conform with these sutesdhekes- practices. /. ■ ' '-q . /.HD .k.f k:;AS: The constitution ' and ' By-laws require all funds to'be banked "in the name,of the Old Spanish- Trail association to the order of the President and the Treasurer," and .fhiereas, since the convention of 1919 the signature of.the Managing.Director has also been required, and A.'hereas, bj- arrangement with -the Treasurer who^ives at Gulfport, miss’. ,• the.'account1 r/as ordered kept, for convenience, in San -Antonio with the signature of the Managing Director representing the Treasurer, and/khcreas, since, march 1922 these provisions have not been observed, TEBlQafdKB &3GLYiuT), That the moneysj be deposited in the regularly adopted bank, viz: the City Hat ion a.1 Bank, San Antonio, subject to the signature, of the Chairman -of the Finance Committee in. view’ of the resignation of the President, and also subject to the signature of the llanaging Director as authorized by the Treasurer. TURTIIkk IC:S0L7i.D, That the Finance Committee be instructed to act as the executive body of this Advisory Board cooperating with the management in its work.