I'Otol o.urto iiu oaunont, Vc::c.a r©brnary 9, 1929 v, Julius buyout, "SO'.:...- !•:;* ?evx' Julius , ' of ice cords »© your loti.;;:,’ of If’:. .Mi;.. .V..vo boon in rust I’cxca since I left ©v? Iberia s. :d hvr/Xoy. ...i nov ryjotto.'; the promise to sssc. you a finance statement ‘out .;ho :C if «•; . y;'i to pay hor pledges ...••■'I t'r; coabr. to ua in e«';c:‘•son a if since v; bog;/./-. in Lo .:.::5.ana laot sup? ex* rad.-; .it in? srutive v. . should ■ - • : tint- .. .hooriptions 5..-.: iv.--.afc beaeuo now, vlexus . - ...id c . \ M ;;.V tho-v yeara I Iiad hoped not to co to thorn again until could ahoy; if':. • .;h. rev/ travelog. O'a? 1928 .rail ■ ulance Cue roc.', a cut .. : • f: fcc:-:-«r.ao our frounce ntv.tc'-onta urc tV.lv;.-:;o . a':'-; august l.cfc 1 do ' have r. finance O'Cte: ;cnt here. von’t believe t ..e Vriu':. v/o1 i : • ole r onou^i. One thing it shows v.'C n..d from louiaiuna in 1920 a total of -'1122 00 —thafc*o y. y little toward .11 our on v\; ; •• L -r-. : n: ;nc.ir/,...:u inclusion in tho tv;o travelogs vo published in 102id Louisiana, rxiymont*. by old mcr/oers, 1923....................*472 00 " '! by the La. Div. 1223.............050 00 (USSTQB 5! :: !i •’ 11 1929V .......... 400 00 usssnso lev; nub no if no v/ill have five nanoy to get out travelog this year. "n v/ill if Louisiana v/ill pay a reasonable • ■/.:■:■ t of tho quotas olio pledged loci year. "ou brow o" the naps, travelogs i. :d publicity v;o have boon issuing these years and of tho work wo huvo boo;; doing a d how Louiuiuna hao beon included in nil thin. Cow or© v;o to trout Louieiana in tho new travelog if she doeo nob pay her quotas? bonus hua already paid in .this year, 1929, more cash than* Louislanu. paid us in 1923 und no far in 1929. a don’t altogether life these c;n.paricons, I txr: trying to virlfeo a holyful letter and I want to know how to go ahead with this travelog work. it Lafayette v/o gave you a u’Ogranj of costs and a budget. Louisiana agreed on about (6009 for tho last 0 non. of 1920. Chen tine passed ana v/o :.;;2PCod to aoeopt o -,8000 for* 10:39 (cover 3. ig 10 moo• inntcad of 6 nos.)