gj, Paso, 8 p. The Pass. Originally El Paso del Norte The Pass of the North, Hew Mexico lies ilia Park, Sp, Originally La Mo sills., a small table for tableland) Las Cruces, Sp. The crosses. Rodeo, Sp. Inclosuro for cattle. Arizona San Bernardino Valley, Sp. St. Bernardino. San Pedro River, Sp. St. Peter. Tucson, Santa Cruz Valley, Sp. Holy Cross. Santa Catalina Mts. Sp. St. Catharine (Santa .Feminine form) Mesa, Sp. A plateau. Gila River, Yuma, Sp.Ind. Sp. form Indian tribe name. Colorado River, Ariz-Cal.line ,3p. Red. California El Centro, Sp. The center. El Cajon, Sp. Shed for selling provisions. Pronounced ca-hoon. San Diego, Sp. St. Jamas. Other form, Santiago. Most rivers and ramorous geographical divisions in the Southwest carry Spanish names or corruptions of the Spanish. Old streets and looal names are Spanish at St. Augustine, Pensacola, San Antonio, El Paso, Tuoson, San Diego and the other old communities of the Southwest. French prevails in street, city, town, and oounty names from Mobile, Ala. to Lafayette, La.