•TKD SWAMI8H mil. &88'30U1?I-9I otat'jsk^it ■''■ cash ahi> ..^Earaa m>r ?3HT O AUGUST 1, 7.919 to IfenOK 80, 1989. Coiaploto statement of tho Ton Years of 3an xmtonio Management, audited .aud Tor if left by !.!• Altontm, Into, and ITorry T». ring ft oomrany, Publ lo A o o aunt ant a. Cash Hocolots. 10 Year ^©riod Memberships and Subscriptions,-------------------- «0 78,981.15 Sundry Items,-—----------------------------------- — 478.91 Advert 1 Sills,-------------------------------------- 8,905.9S Beautification Bopartraent——--------------------- — 190.00 Houto Marking,——------- —------------*— ---------——- 587.80 Hoad Condition Maps hold,--------------—-------------; ,__15.56 Total Cash HecniptH,-----------------------—-—-—---------------0 09,150.90 Push Blebnrsauents. 10 Y-:=av Tor led Salary to Barrel jvyroa,—*--------------------------——$ 10,598.73 Offloo and 'Mold T'mployoeet aalnrios and ‘StpeadituroB, (includes office expense, rout, furniture, at©.),—• 44,450.12 General 3xpauses. (includes travellug of extentIvo officials and other general expanses),---------------- 15,853.58 Printing, Publicity, Travelogs, etc.,—— ------------—• 10,808.47 Convention ijxpenses,-----—----------------------------- 6,341.71 Beautification aopartmant fork,----------------------------- 276.43 Houto Marking,«------------------------------- *----- 965.03 Hoc.a Condition ’Jlua Print :Sxps,-~—-— ----- --•---------- 267.58 Total Cash 'Dlobursncjojits,-------------—--------------$ 88,951.60 cash in Banks March 28, 1929,-............................ 159.50 $ 89,150.90